If you are looking to test a Donek this winter in the southern hemisphere head over to Cardrona Ski Resort in New Zealand.
You are able to test our amazing boards for FREE. We will have several models to test including the Knapton, Aloha, Flux, and the latest Kona, snowboards.
All you will need is a valid driver’s license and bindings with a 4×4 pattern fastening system.
A demo consists of three – four runs.
Jamie, our main man in New Zealand, will be set up just past the arches across from the huge snowman, most Saturdays or Sundays on fair weather days only.
If you like to know more or are looking to get on a Donek on a specific date reach out at donekmarketing@gmail.com.
Cardrona will be opening June 15 – October 13 (conditions allowing)