Donek Demo with Rocky Mountain Series’ Futures Tour Dec 5-6

donek snowboards with the Rocky Mountain Series for the Futures Tour and Donek Demo Day

December 5 -6 SAVE THE DATES! Donek will be having a demo at Copper Mountain in support of the Rocky Mountain Series and the Futures Tour.

Your ID and adult signature is all that is needed to try a Donek Snowboard. We will have our Park Twin, Phoenix, B1 Boardercross Boards, and Sabers available for demos on both days.

Donek is also excited to be providing two Park Twin snowboards that will follow many slopestyle and halfpipe events with the USASA events to promote our amazing freestyle line. These snowboards will be given away to two deserving riders at the end of the season….after they have been brought back to headquarters to be stone ground, retuned and waxed.

Look for the Donek Tent with the Rocky Mountain Series Banner at Copper Mountain December 5-6 to be able to hop on one of our amazing boards and prepare to be amazed!

Any questions reach out to
