What is involved with a Custom Design Snowboard?
You’ve seen standout snowboards on the slopes. You’ve heard about how awesome it is to have a board that is created specifically for the rider. The growth of custom design snowboards is on the rise for all levels of riders, from beginning to advanced. At Donek, it’s our mission to make you the best board for your personal style, riding style and level, and exact body dimensions so that you have the smoothest ride possible.
Donek has been creating custom snowboards and skis in Colorado since 1987. They have pioneered some of the fastest boards in riding using a specially made base for all of their boards. Not an advanced snowboarder? We’ve got you covered with an array of snowboards and ski’s to choose from. You give us the details and we will build you a custom design snowboard made from the finest materials to provide you with the support and balance you need to have a great time on the slopes.
The process of making a custom design snowboard starts when you consult with one of our creative craftsmen at Donek. We will take all of your unique variables into account and suggest an awesome board for you. Donek is a homegrown, Colorado company, and we will do all of the work on your board from start to finish.
Join the culture of snowboarders today and let your passion inspire some fresh artwork for your board. Create a custom top sheet from some of the designs on our website or select a personal graphic that represents your personal style. After we print out your custom top sheet, we’ll add the Donek logo onto your board. Finish your custom design snowboard with a personal touch of custom graphics and you’ll be ripping up the pillow line in no time with an awesome top sheet design.